This module explores the philosophical foundations and historical background of Ayurveda. It examines the significance of the term Darśana, its variants into Āstika (orthodox) and Nāstika (heterodox) and the latters’ metaphysical, epistemological, axiological and soteriological positions in relation to Ayurveda.
The module further investigates into the historical, literary and conceptual dimensions of Ayurveda. This examination establishes the historical roots of Ayurveda in the Vedas, particularly the Atharvaveda. Key literary texts like Caraka Saṁhitā, Suśruta Saṁhitā, and Aṣṭāṅga Hṛdaya are analyzed to reveal the philosophical foundations of Ayurvedic concepts.
The module also examines the Ayurvedic principles and practices in non-dārśanic texts and contexts within and outside India from an interdisciplinary and contemporary perspectives.
Finally, the module enquires into the impact of Ayurvedic practices in the Mauritian and global contexts and evaluates the challenges faced by Ayurveda in a science and technology driven world.
Learning Objectives:
The learners in this course are expected to be able to:
• Depict the philosophical landscape of India: the concept of Darśana, Āstika and Nāstika schools and their influence on the development of Ayurveda.
• Situate the historical context of Ayurveda: its historical and literary background of Ayurveda, and the historical conditions that impacted on its development.
• Analyze the philosophical foundations of Ayurveda: the influence of Sāṁkhya and Yoga philosophies and the contributions of other philosophical schools to Ayurveda's theoretical framework.
• Evaluate Ayurveda's place within the Indian knowledge system: its alignment with both Dārśanic (philosophical) and non-Dārśanic (epics, Puranas) sources.
• Apply philosophical knowledge to understand Ayurveda: its theoretical and practical implications in contemporary context
• Assess the impact of Ayurveda in the present and future Mauritian and Global contexts
Assessment Scheme
- Formative Assessment - 40 %
- Summative ASsessment - 60%
Course Facilitator
Dr Rajendrakumar Dabee
Email: kamal.dabee@mgirti.ac.mu
- Teacher: Rajendra (Kamal) Dabee
Module Outline
Introduction to Sanskrit Language, Vedic and Classical. Initiatiation to elementary conjugation of verbs, declension of words, sandhi and numerals. Study of the basic rules of Sanskrit Grammar. Construction and translation of simple sentences.
Learning objectives
Course facilitator
- Teacher: Kirthee Devi Ramjatton